Mike is in Second Grade and lives with a dog, a brother, and his Mommy and Daddy in a brick house with two crabs and a beta fish named Betty. Mike enjoys writing stories about Bob The Bear, playing LEGOS, and cuddling with his Daddy to watch football games.
When Mike grows up, he would like to be a science teacher, and write more stories about Bob The Bear. Mike’s favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese.
Mike created Bob The Bear as the main character in series of stories he began dictating in 2008. Other characters have emerged and have evolved over the course of numerous stories and unique adventures.
At first these stories and characters were made up at bed time. As the characters became more real, Mike's dad would type them out on a typewriter as Mike would tell each story. Now, as Mike begins publishing his stories on the Internet, he would like to invite everyone to read along and get to know this world that he has created in his own imagination.